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Friday, November 28, 2008

旧爱??! 嘻...

旧爱??!!你们会不会觉得太奇怪了呢?我有旧爱吗??哈哈哈。。是的,我没有旧爱,只是有过去式的"喜欢对象"!! 那他们算不算是我的旧爱呢?哈哈哈。。。不可给我的darling知道呀?不然怕他不开心。但他不会的,因为他清楚知道在握心目中他占据的地位比任何人多。




还有就是他FORM 6毕业后,再等着成绩之余,他回来母校当领教。啊??好巧不巧他当上了我Kemahiran Hidup的代班老师。那时我真的超级无敌的兴奋及开心。可能老天爷疼惜我这个小胖妹,所以特别卷顾我。让我有再次的亲密接触。哈哈哈…上他的课程时,我特别的专心,把全部注意力都放在他身上。他给的功课我都做得美美的。哈哈哈…小妹妹就是小妹妹~一心一意的看着他已经足够填补我小小心灵了。过后拿到成绩后我再也没有见到他了,也不懂他在那间大学就读。直到六年后的某一天,我的darling在PJ SS4 附近的Giant偶遇他。那时我身边拖着我心爱的他,而他身边也拖着一位漂亮美丽的女友还是妻子呢??不懂...也不需要懂。老天爷的眷顾让我明白当时纯纯的喜欢永远会在我的回忆里斗转,不必得到他我也可以很开心。清楚记得那天的偶遇除了让我觉得世界真的很小,也让我心中的那股疑惑明了了。那时我真的很开心的看到他身边拖着一位漂亮的女士,一点伤感都没。反而很想冲上前去和他问好。但我还是自制情绪,因为他根本都不知道有我的存在。我的生命里有他的出现是件美好的事~

第二场梦是我梦见我在学院时候应该说是明恋的他~任XX。是的,他绝对不是任达华。他纯粹只是一个让我伤得我比较痛的人了。他的回忆也是刻骨铭心的。不是那种让我有美好回忆的刻骨铭心,而是让我心情有着刺刺痛的感觉。可能已经长大了,所以觉得任何自己喜欢的东西都必须自己去争取。就像玫瑰花,那么棘手的花,假如一不小心的触碰,你的手就会伤痕累累。这就是我能所比喻他和我之间的微昧的情感。是的,他不曾表示过他喜欢我,但为了得到他的注意力,我主动的出击。我会时常的主动SMS 他、我会亲自为他烤饼、我为他写了一封又一封像写日记、像书本那么厚的信。我做了这么多都是为了得到他的关心及关怀。他不但没拒绝我对他所做的一切,;反而偶尔会SMS我和我谈天说地。嗯...当时我真的以为我自己有少少的机会吧!没想到个不久就传来他对我的好友有意思。那时候听到这消息捎来我耳边时,我真的晴天霹雳~好像哭...但我故做坚强,强言微笑地对好友们说我没事,不必担心我。另一方面还要帮好友想办法拒绝任先生,因为我好友已经有拍拖七八年的男朋友了。其实现在回想~觉得当初他会这样做可能是不懂如何拒绝我,所以想出一个烂方法就是喜欢上我的好友然后希望我能知难而退。是的,无可否认的是我的好友的确长得比我可爱、漂亮,她是比较有资格得到别人的喜欢,所以那时的我虽然很伤心绝望,但我告自己是时候放弃他了。他也没有什么值得我再去眷恋的。可能我比较幸运吧!当初被我拒绝第一次爱得宣言的他,第二次他终于当成了我的男朋友~那就是我现在最爱得他。




Thursday, November 27, 2008



可能是"大姨妈"快来找我了, 也可能是七早八早来到公司就看到那个死人猪头老板。我真的越来越讨厌他了。他那假惺惺的笑容、一副得逞的脸,看了我的拳头就想往他那一副真的很猪头的脸挥去。打他的脸变得更猪头。哇哈哈哈。。。我真的好久没这么讨厌一个人了。上次在旧公司,我讨厌那个"贱女人"讨厌到如骨,我说我真的非常的慈祥、悲哀、宽宏大量了,因为我可以用一年又八个月的时间去忍受她这个贱骨头。我超强的忍耐力真的出乎自己的意料。我真的没想过我能如此忍得。但还是应该谢谢她,谢谢她逼我有转换工作环境的念头、让我有勇气去减肥去面试空姐。真的很感谢她的所激发我、激励我、给予我那股冲动去达成减肥计划。当然现在的我还是会憎恨她当初对我做的种种,但事情已经过去了、已经高一段落了,也是时候我应该放下这个沉重的憎恨背包了。



为了妈妈、为了我爱的人,我想我是应该往前看,不应该这样沮丧、不开心了!加油吧!! 可爱的甜蜜吴!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Last Year Tioman Trip ~

Yes..let us start our journey to Pulau Tioman. Hahahaha…. This Tiaman trip was carried on 29.04.2007 to 01.05.2007. Peter and me drove car from PJ to Johor~ Kluang met Kim Seng and Erica on 28.04.2008. Erica was worked in Johor and stayed in the Kim Seng father's shop house. That day we overnight at Erica's place and the next early morning, we took a long journey with Kim Seng 's friend~ Nicolas and his gf , six person in a car ( oopps... like a "sardin" packed in a small car. wahahaha...). Due to carsickness, Erica and me started getting dizzy when the car came into the tortuous road down and up the mountainside. They started to make some joke because they wish to get rid of ours' carsickness. Luckily...the crooked road was shorter than my imagination. Finally we reached the Jetty where 's the place to Pulau Tioman.

Here we took a picture during the time for waiting the "Cruise" came. Where's Kim Seng?? Hahaha…he's the cameraman of us. =D

After reaching Pulau Tioman, somebody came to pick us and gave us our chalet key. Ermm..the chalet condition not really bad. Stil had air-condition. Hehehe…for the first in Tioman, we did not have any plan. We just stayed at chalet and we asked somebody worked there, they said behind our chalet had a waterfall. during that time we were so happy and planned to climb up the mountain behind to view the waterfall. we climbed and climbed without stop. Finally we catched up a place with " very small size waterfall". wahahha...bit disappointed but we just played and had fun at the "small waterfall". Took some pictures there. after that we planned to climber up more and more but the time was inhibited because nearly to sunset and the place getting darker and darker and also we can not find any path to let us climbed higher. Therefore, we back to our chalet with wet shirt.

** Foot print from normal beach to black color beach? **

Funny post ~
** Erica and Tam** ~ ** Darling and Tam **
** Tammy + Darling **
** coincidence met my sister's friend in Tioman **
After had fun in beach and make some silly post in front of our only one restaurant~
after taking bath and waiting for dinner~
The next day we went for snorkelling~ ooppsss....i had serious seasickness~ =(

took some pictures in the boat~

* reaching a place called marine ** This marine park no need to snorkel deep inside the sea. We just can stand and view the fish.

** Feeding fishes with bread **
** Darling and Me **

** After from snorkelling and we had a nap in chalet ** ~ ** Woke up and went to have a walk at the beach and the shop there** ~ ** Here i am trying to jump as high as i can, unfortunately.... after 4 to 5 shoots i just success for the jumping.**
some silly post during sunset~
* what's darling doing behind us?*
* Three lovely couples with different post *
* some sunset nice view *

** What ?! i tried to control the boat at land? wahahaha..just a silly acting there. huhu~~ **
The last day in Tioman and before checing out from chalet, we went to walk around once again ~
Took pictures with "high class" chalet~~hehehe...


Although this Tioman trip a little pack. however, i stil enjoying the time at Tioman. Cheers~~

Tuesday, November 25, 2008









Monday, November 24, 2008

"I Never Had A Dream Comes True" ~ Seven S Club.

Everybody's got something they had to leave behind
Once regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
oh, This i know but stil i can't find ways to let you go

* I never had a dream comes true
Till the day that i found you
Eventhough i pretend that i moved on
You'll always be my Baby

I never founf the words to say
YOu're the one I think about each day
And i know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you

Somewhere in my memory i cost all sense of time
and tomorrow can never be cause yesterday is all that fill my mind
There's no use loongking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
oh, this i know but stil i can't find ways to let you go

** I never had a dream comes true
Till the day that i found you
Eventhough i pretend that i moved on
You'll always be my baby

I never found the words to say
YOu're the one I think about each day
And i know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be....

You'll always be the dream that fill my head
Yes you will, say you will, you know you will oh Baby
Thereis no use looking back or wondering
Because love us a starnge and funny thing
no matter how i try and try
I just can't say good bye!
No No No.............
(A part of me will always be with you....................)


Yes~ I like this song so much. The singer is Seven S club. Actaully during college time, I am not even know well in english songs, so I am not really like to listen to English songs. However, during first year of college life. We ~ Syherlyn Goh Yau Hie, Cathrey Lee Ling Nee and Tammy Goh Hong Suan were very bored. We thre share a very small and stayed with the " Bao zhou PO and bao zhou Kong". the disadvantage of staying with "bao zhou po" is whatever things you want to do in the house, you need to inform them first especially cooking. The "bao zhou po" not allow us to cook , we just can " lok mee" ~ cook magee mee only. You see~ we three were so pity that time.

Come back to my topic~ why I suddenly felt interested in English song. Due to boredom, so my cutie friend~ cathrey "FORCE' us~ Syherlyn and Tammy to remember the lyrics of the songs she likes. Hahahha… Yes~ this " I never had a Dream comes true" is once of the song force by her. hehehehe...but i need to thank her . because of her forcement i just can remember the whole song song lyric.

why I so love this song? Ermm… may be this is the first english song I can sing it without forgotten;besides, this song accompany my boredom during the first year of college life. In addition, I am that kind of person that never think that my drems will come true during my college. what are the dreams of mine in college time? yes.. i planned to "keep fat". that time i very fat...I felt shy of my weight. i think nobody know my weight becauswe i never tell other. hehehe... sometimes i put more effects to keep fat, but the results came out was not the plan i plan before. This is what i am so disappointed of myself during college time.

The second thing was i am planning to have a flying color for all my exams' results. However, sometimes i can't make it come true because some subjects i studied i felt really difficultities. May be i am not that kind of intelligent student. For every exam i just try my best to do so.

The other dream i nearly can't make it is find a boyfriend during my college time. wahahaha... this is a silly dream. However, i am luckier person, during my last year last semester of studied, i got him~ i have him as my boyfriend. Yeah~~ although that time i also a very dat girl, he still love me so much. i am so touching... Now, i also love him so much!! we are going to plan our wedding in coming next two years. Hope our wedding plan is going smoothly. I love you ~ Darling.

Friday, November 21, 2008




世间有没有"长生不老"这四个字呢? 应该没有…
快乐也要生活,不快乐也要生活~ 不如快乐去生活!!
所以呢? ~~ 我们呀!! 要活得幸福快乐哦~好好珍惜眼前的一切~因为错过了就错过了,无法挽回!
所以我想对我所认识的人~ 家人以及好友们说声 "我爱你们"!!

个人专辑照 ~



Thursday, November 20, 2008

Merry Christmas ~~ **Jingle bell Jingle bell**

Ding dong bell ~ ding dong bell~~ Christmas song?? Yes..this is the song we sang during childhood period. I am not well in English song. So my "ding dong bell" just followed the rhythms of the music. Actually the song is " Jingle bell~ Jingle ~ Jingle all the ways.." hehehe..

Christmas is coming soon. What present do you all prepare for your own sweetheart~~darling~~honey~~?? Yes..i am just thiking and thinking…what I shall give him as christmas present? I want my present is special. Yes..i like to hand make card. Sure~hand make christmas card sure is my choice. i think my darling sure will feel happy with this special christmas card. Definitely the card is can not buy in any shops.

besides for hand make christmas card, I am planning to buy a new cheaper handphone for my loevly darling. Because I know he's too frugality for his own life. Although his handphone nearly spoil, the key pad already hardly to push and to scroll down and up, he still using it.i know he's prefer to save the money than buy not really useful thing. He said he want to use the handphone until it spoil and really can not press. Yes, i agreed with him that we no need to waste so much money to buy those unuseful things, better save more for our future. hehehe..i listened to him but i stil want to give him a surprise~ BUY HIM A HANDPHONE. yeah~ my handphone also is a old model of nokia. i think i also need to change. therefore, i want to buy a pair of couple handphone for ourselves. Hehehe... really happy!! but i need to wait for my year end bonus, i just can buy us a new handphone. darling ~~ wait ya..wait for my surprise!! muakz...

well~~the Christmas presents have been prepared. Now is the turn for Christmas dinner. Yeah~~ where I shall go for our Christmas dinner?? Let me think thoroughly. However, for last 3 years we just stayed at home for our Christmas. Nothing special. Yes, last year I cooked a delicious Christmas dinner and celebrated with him. every time before Christmas, I asked him where should we go for our Christmas dinner celebration. he just give me a short answer " no need celebration. The price of the food will double up in any restaurants. we better save the money and have our celebration during normal season." wahahahha..yes!! my darling is that kind of people ~ too frugality man!! but I love him. I like his good attitudes and personalities.

Therefore, I think this year Christmas also the same. Cook at home, celebrate at home. Ehhehe…Yes!!I enjoy cooking with darling because my darling really expert in cooking. He really excellent to flavors with condiments. The first I ate his cooking is during my college time. he cooked a delicious and tasty spaghetti for me. I forgot that time was celebration for what, I know I really enjoy the spaghetti cooked by my darling. As he said " don't waste so much money to double pay for the unreasonable expensive Christmas food." Yes, as my conclusion I think I will prepare the menu of Christmas dinner and cook with him, enjoy the food with him. Darling... I love you. Merry Christmas~~




一直以来我都懂每个月他必须给他家人一大半的工资,剩下的又必须存进我们的联名户口,所以他自己所剩无几。每天看他记录每天早餐、午餐和晚餐的费用,我真的很心疼。我告诉过他,我希望他生活不必那么节俭,平常可以吃得好一些。但他告诉我说"我想省下平常的费用,然后星期六和日和我一起出去逛街、陪我吃好吃的东西。"是的,我非常之感动!! 我懂他的用意,所以很多时候一起出去吃得费用我们都是AA计。可能你们会觉得我好笨。你们都会认为男人的责任就是必须支付女人的费用。但在我心里,他事完全不同的。我看到的一切都是他辛辛苦苦为我好、为家人好。所以我觉得他努力的付出是我的骄傲、是我的光荣。当看到他的开心的样子我就会跟着开心。

他常和我说人要活得开心,知足常乐就好。是的,他可以办得到,而我却好像不能。但我有和他约定说我尽量去做好"知足常乐"得角色。我会好好去学习怎样积极的面对我的人生;怎样去办好自己的角色;怎样去掌握自己的前途;怎样才能活得开心、快乐。我的下一个目标就是"知足常乐"!!加油吧!!Tammy ~~在你的身边有着一位这么爱你、支持你的他,你一定能办得到。

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

**Jess wedding**

yes~~ on 17th October, my hearting beating fast because i am too excited to participate Jess wedding in Sarawak.
Here~ Peter and Tammy took some funny pictures in the Penang airport during the waiting time to Sarawak
the next day, Jess wedding~ held in a church.
here came with Beautiful Jess with her lovely father.
After the swearing ceremony, the groom and bride were hand in hand walking out to the churh main door.

During the time groom and bride taking photo with relatives, we also taking photo inside the churh~

Peter ~ Tammy ** Love each other!!

Beautiful girls~~

NOW was the time we took the pictures with the groom and bride.

What?? What we are trying to do?? wahahaha..the man became a band while the girls became the funs of the band.

We were in groom and bride new house new room.

Here we were had some shoot at the lobbie of the hotel we stayed. The photo took before going to Jess wedding dinner.

Peter and Tammy~~

before the wedding dinenr started, we also took some picture there.

Half way of the dinner, we came out and took picture with Jess.

After the dinner, all the guests were gone, we were waiting the tour bus came to pick us. while once again we took some picture with Jess.

After reaching hotel, we took the picture in front of hotel which had many "kucing"s there.

Yes~~ 18th October was the wonderful day. i am so so so excited and happy.wishing Jess and Eddie ~happy forever!!